Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Funny Kids & Birthday Hats

I am loving my kids ages & stages right now. It seems like they do things every day that crack me up. I am writing this post mostly because they have done things in the last few days that I want to remember, & this is the best place I could think to put them.

1. We are starting to see Addison’s mischievous streak. Last week was picture day at school and she WOULD NOT smile. Her teachers said they were doing everything they could to get her to break a smile, & she’d almost start to smile & then stop herself.

2. Addison has been refusing her lunch that I send with her to school. I thought she was maybe getting bored with the same old stuff, so I actually looked online for creative ideas and have put some effort into her lunches. Still refusing it. However, she will eat other kids’ foods. So today her teachers realized that she won’t eat it if she thinks it came from home. But if they sneak it onto a different plate or tray- she eats it! Little stinker!

3. Austin played dress up at school the other day. His teachers said they put a tie and sunglasses on him, & he wouldn’t take them off the whole morning.

4. Addison has been sleeping in a big bed for about 6 weeks now with very little protest. We’ve only had one night that she got out of bed- until last night. After I put her down I heard her dresser drawers closing, so I went back in, & she had turned on her light and was climbing into her chair to read a book. The second time I went back in, I unscrewed the light bulb from her lamp. So she gets out of bed, cries for a minute when the light won’t come on, then climbs back into bed and goes to sleep. I guess she’s just testing the limits.

5. Yesterday at Target Austin gave a constant narration of what we saw: “White box. Yellow. Baby stroller. Shoes. Blue. Brush teeth [toothbrushes].” Then out of the blue, he puts his finger on his chin and starts saying, “Mmm-hmmm. I seeeee [with accurate inflection].”

6. Austin’s newest phrase: “Aw, shoot!”

As I type these out I realize some of them don’t sound as funny as they were when they happened. Oh well, I enjoy them.

Last week was Austin’s birthday. We were going to have a little family celebration at home that night. Instead, we ended up running to ERgent care to take care of an ear infection. Bummer. However, at preschool they made him a little crown to wear, & he loved it! He’s been wearing it around the house saying “birthday hat.”

I wanted to get some pictures of Austin in his crown, & we had some extra time today, so we went to the park to take pictures. I think the only reason he was okay with it was that he got to chase squirrels. I tried to explain to him that the chase is a lot more fun than the catch. I’m glad we didn’t find out for sure!

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