Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pumpkins & A Princess

I guess I’ve got some catching up to do in the world of blogging.We went to the pumpkin patch several weeks ago, and the kids had lots of fun playing in all the little plastic houses that were there. Austin thought he was in heaven, continually pointing at the pumpkins saying, “Ball. Ball.Ball.” We had a hard time getting a good picture of them together, but a couple cute ones of each of them.

Yesterday I thought the kids would enjoy carving a pumpkin- well, playing with the insides after I cut the top open, anyway.Addison played with the innards some, but mostly she just threw it, and then Bear ate it (note his intent stare). They mostly liked “stirring” in the pumpkin and putting the top back on.

Tonight we dressed the kids up and went to the Trunk-or-Treat at our church. Austin wanted nothing to do with his Nemo costume, so at the last minute we decided to make him a “Mini-Me.” Wes said they were Super Rangers fans. Addison was a Disney princess (not sure which one, just the 60% off one). In the car on the way to church she was looking at the ruffles and sparkles on her dress and she kept saying, “Cute. Cute. Pretty.Cute.” It was pretty cute!


  1. So cute! I love what Addison said in the car -- pretty cute, indeed! And Austin's shirt that says "ausome" -- well, it's just plain awesome.

  2. Love the Mini Me! (since I think he looks JUST like Wes anyway :) And the fact that Addison can now verbalize that she is indeed "pretty, cute"...LOVE IT!!!
