Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Austin's First Week

In reference to having kids, Wes has always said, “why have one, when you can have two for twice the price?” While we don’t have twins, we do now have two kids under the age of two. So, we wanted to be fair to Austin and not leave him out of our blogging experience. Plus I didn’t want to hear whining in a few years, “Why does her name get to be on the blog?” (I can hear echoes from my own childhood, “That’s not fair. Why does the number get to be 756-RACH?” Is it my fault they didn’t think to ask?) So, here is Austin’s first week in pictures…

Addison Meets Austin

First Car Ride

Hangin' with Daddy

First Bath

Getting Rid of the Jaundice

Getting Lovin' from Big Sister


  1. adorable!!! love the new blog, and love the new addition. you guys are so cute!

  2. What a handsome little guy... and I can't believe how much Miss Addison has grown...precious! We'd like to send the little man a little something...but I can't find your new address..can you e-mail it to me..lucindataylor@live.com. Love you---Lucinda
