Monday, July 26, 2010

I Just Have to Brag

So this video is really probably more for grandparents and other family members, but I am so impressed by this little girl! It was maybe two or three weeks ago that we realized she was recognizing letters, and now she knows almost all of them. (Please excuse the background racket from little brother toward the end- I’m no videographer.)

Also, I love reading the funny things that friends’ kids say on their blogs and have often wondered what goes on inside Addison’s little head (besides the running soundtrack of Little Light House songs). Well, what we suspected has been confirmed: Yesterday she was sitting on the floor playing with Bearfoot (our dog) and she leaned around to his face and said, “Eat? More? Oh’s [Cheerios]? K.” Then she got up, went into the pantry, and came back with an unopened box of Cheerios. She was certain that was what Bear wanted to eat (maybe projecting just a tad).


  1. Yea Addison! What a little smartie pants! Just to let you know, Mark doesn't recognize all the letters yet! Also, we have the dog feeding problem at our house too. Mark is always telling me that one of the dogs wants the rest of his sandwich!

  2. If it was for gparents, it certainly worked. We are very proud of her!! Love the hiccups as well. Love, Grans and Grandaddy.

  3. Oh my gosh, I couldn't be more proud or love her more!!!! And the hiccups make it all the more adorble :) Now that I have seen this with my own eyes, there is no more holding out at school ; )Somehow we have to convince her that Miss Heather has to hear her ABC's at school too! Lol :)

  4. Hi Rachel,
    This is so adorable! She's doing great with letters... I'm impressed. And her little voice is so cute. I love the way she says, "R." You guys do such a great job with her.
    Stacy C.
