Monday, October 5, 2009

Families & Football

We’ve had a house full of company lately. Most of the Taylor family came last weekend to meet Austin.

This past weekend the Jumpers were in town. We’ll have to post more pics later since they’re on a different camera. Here’s what we do have.

In the spirit of football season…

"Go Bears!"

(Thanks to Grans for the cute Baylor outfit and for teaching Addison "Go Bears!")

Austin is doing great. He’s up to 8 lbs now and truly “sleeping like a baby” (why do people use that phrase to mean sleeping soundly??). We think Addison has realized lately that Austin is here to stay- and she’s not thrilled about it. We’re hoping that at least she won’t remember these initial few weeks of adjustment and will soon forget what life was like without him. If we’re going to have any more kids, Wes and I are going to have to forget these first few weeks of sleep deprivation as well.